Testing of a social credit app will be rolled out in Italy later this fall.
It will be called the Smart Citizen Wallet.
First of all, the app is voluntary and it works much like a textbook social credit system. Virtuous citizens who separate waste, use public transport and don’t collect administrative fines will collect “points”. Which rewards can then be exchanged for the points is “currently being defined,” said Massimo Bugano, who works on the project for the newspaper “Corriere di Bologna”. The city administration of Bologna still has a little time, the project should start after the summer.
Of course these things always start out as voluntary, until it becomes required.
Not to be out done, the EU is working on the European Digital Identity Wallet.
The EU Commission acted extremely ambitiously in the shadow of the so-called “corona pandemic”. According to the “Thales Group”, which is working on the development of the “European ID wallet”, the Commission wants every EU citizen to be able to be offered such an app by autumn 2023.