After the violent provocations of Ms. Dugina’s assassination, Nordstream’s destruction, and Kerch Bridge bombing, the Russian Federation’s operations have seen a large step-change:
- mobilization declared complete (300k nominally, surely many more), with 70k reinforcing Kherson
- intermittent waves of intensive precise missile attacks on electrical grid transmission lines, substations, and diesel locomotives–“40%” (much more) of electrical availability has been cut off
- one- to three-day observation pauses to assess damage to Ukrainian infrastructure
- intermittent waves of the little $10k autonomous loitering precision drones
- bombardment observation lulls, followed by the cycle repeated
Belarus has warned Poland not to try and take any part of Western Ukraine or it shall face, first, the Belarus Army, backstopped by the Russian Army, with the latter actually being prepared for full-scale conventional war.
Having been in Romania since June, the U.S. is suddenly ballyhooing the 101st Airborne Division as a threat to Tiraspol (or somewhere), notwithstanding that it is entirely unsuited to face off against the Russian Army. Romanians are protesting en masse, and Moldavans are murmuring and rumbling at the talk of involving their non-NATO country in this fight by the 101st crossing its airspace.
The U.S. is fatuously mouthing off about “going in” with a “coalition of the willing,” although Romanians are clearly not willing.
The Ukraine is now resorting to its limited supply of extremely costly S300 anti-air missiles to stop $10k loitering drones.
10,000 Polish soldiers are now serving in Ukrainian Army uniforms.
and alarmingly,
Western–especially American–chattering class chatterers are now treating nuclear war as no big deal, and a suitable topic for their bloviating, ignorant, stupid, unqualified opinion pieces.
Having unequivocally lost the conventional warfare conflict, the West–read, “the U.S.”–must admit defeat or resort to the nuclear “option,” and this before its Midterm Elections (so that U-Know-Who may pretend to be smart and strong).
-HT Austin Elliott